Rog Nidan evum Vikriti Vigyan (Ayurvedic Diagnostics) is the subject deals with the diagnostic procedure according to ancient methods. This department deals with the examination of the patient and the disease. In the part of examination it deals with different diagnostic proceduresincluding Nadipareeksha (Pulse examination) etc. It also adopts contemporary diagnostic tools for the definitive diagnosis of the Patient.
Rog Nidan evum Vikriti Vigyan department is working well under the supervision of HOD Dr. Ashish Tiwari. Department also have some other well qualified faculty members in which, three lab technician and one Lab attandent.
Rog Nidan evum Vikriti Vigyan department primarily aims at the clinical examination as well as diagnostic methods incorporating the Ayurvedic and Modern techniques.
Through this subject the students can develop clinical skills, which not only help them to understand the uses and utility, but also help them to decide the appropriate investigation for diagnosis. It forms a vital bridge between initial learning phase of preclinical sciences and the final phase of clinical subjects.
1. Rog Nidan evum Vikriti Vigyan Department has a well establish Pathology Laboratory with availability of latest instruments i.e. BiochemicalAnalyser, Urine analyser and few other equipment’s provided by Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.
2. The department also possesses various models of pathology and specimens.
3. The central and teaching laboratory is equipped with simple as well as Binocular Microscope, digital centrifuge machine and other equipment for individual training.
Rog Nidan evum Vikriti Vigyan can contribute to the extent with modern medical science, mainly in the diagnostics and developing clinical skills to the next generation of medical professionals.